
Why Slate is the Smart Roofing Choice

When it comes to putting a new roof on a building, there are several options of material to choose from. It can be difficult to decide what kind of material to use to have your roof built, but one of the most popular materials is also one of the best, namely, slate. Slate is pricier than some other materials out there, but it’s an environmentally-safe option that lasts a long time.

What Exactly is Slate?

Slate is a natural stone material used in roofing. It’s been known as metamorphosed shale, and it contains a wide number of minerals including mica and quartz. Since it’s made from these materials that have already been on the Earth for a long time, it’s designed to withstand the elements longer than most roofing materials. Some of these roofs have been said to last as long as 175 years. If that’s not enough to convince you that it’s worth the money, then keep reading for more reasons.

There’s a level of strength to slate that is hard to find in other roofing materials. It’s durable, it does its job of fighting the elements, and it has a nice look to accent any house it’s used on. Industry experts say that it’s the most preferred material to use on roofs, and there’s no real question as to why. In addition to all of the reasons already listed, a slate roof is also fire and water resistant.

The Chosen Type

If you have decided to proceed with a new roof made from slate, then all that you need to do now is find the professional to come in and put up the new roof. From small repairs to full new installations, professional roofers are ready to come in and do what they do best: install roofs. Whether the building is a home, school, church, or public building, a roofer and put up a beautiful new slate roof without any trouble.

There are several different styles to choose from when it comes to having the new slate roof installed. You can choose Welsh, Spanish, Canadian, and composite slate styles, so every home or business owner can have the perfect roof for any building. Pick the style that suits your taste the best, and let the professional roofer get to work.

Standards and Regulations

It’s important to ensure that the new roof meets any possible regulations for your building and any code that it could conflict with. A trained, professional roofer is sure to know the standards for the roof they are building, especially if they are part of the Masters Builders Association and Masters Roof and Slaters Association.

With this kind of experience under their belt, before the project is even underway, they will call and give you any advice and consult with you on the project to make sure that it’s done as correctly and smoothly as possible. This is also the perfect time to get the quote for how much the new roof is going to cost, and you can ask any questions about slate that may still be lingering. Contact a professional roofer about getting slate installed today.

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