
7 Roofing Red Flags

Your roof’s structural life expectancy is between 25 to 50 years, depending on the roofing material. It is easy to forget about the roof. The roof can be vulnerable to the elements, such as harsh sunlight, heavy rains, and sometimes even wind, long before its life expectancy. Although your roof may be strong and resilient, there are small warning signs that could indicate problems. These roofing red flags can help you keep your home and roof in top condition.

You as a Pinellas homeowner should be vigilant about the condition of your roof. These small issues will allow you to prevent major problems later. These early warning signs will help you stay dry and protected for many years.

Seven Roofing Red Flags to Watch Out For:

  1. Leaves And Debris On The Roof: If you notice leaves or branches on your roof after a storm, it’s best to remove them and examine the roofing materials beneath. High winds can often deposit debris, including household and yard items, on your roof. This can cause damage to tiles or shingles or cause them to slide across the roof. Even if you don’t sustain any damage, it is important to keep your roof clear of debris.
  2. Tree Branches Overhanging: It is common for tree branches to scrape roofing materials during storms, windy days, and other weather conditions. This can cause shingles to rip, tear, or become damaged. This damage can lead to small openings that are susceptible to water intrusion. These small cracks are often unnoticed and allow water to slowly, but surely, get under your roof and into your home’s structure.
  3. Damaged Or Missing Roofing Materials: It is recommended that you hire a roofing contractor in order to inspect the problem and repair the shingles as well as the underlayment if needed.
  4. Large Patches Of Mold And Algae: This is most common on asphalt shingle roofs that have areas of shade. Algae and mold can cause damage to the asphalt shingle if they are allowed to grow for too long.
  5. Granules In Your Gutters: When asphalt shingle tile starts to erode, granules become loose and can wash into your gutters. These granules can be a sign that the tile’s structure is deteriorating. You may notice the tile curling or cracking as it erodes. You may be seeing granules under your gutters. This could indicate a problem with your gutters. If not fixed, it can lead to soffit or fascia problems.
  6. Drywall or Ceiling Stains: Water has already made its way into your home by the time you notice a stain on your ceiling or walls. Call a local Pinellas roofing company immediately to determine the source of the leak and to fix it before it gets worse.

A yearly roofing inspection is one way to avoid these roofing red flags. All Star Roof Repair will help you assess the condition of your roof and give you a baseline. Your roof will last for many years if you take the time to look after it.

This post was written by a roofing specialist At All-Star Roofing. We offer the best roof repair in Florida. We are a family-owned Pinellas county roofing business, and we strive to be the best in our industry. Our family has been in the Tampa Bay area for over 60 years, and our objective has always been to provide roofing services at a fast, reliable, and competitive rate. All-Star has a tradition of quality workmanship, servicing residential and commercial properties.

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